
Why now?

So after all these years, why have I now decided to learn how to play an instrument? The answer is that it was triggered by two things happening within a week, one very tragic and one very nice:

The very tragic thing was that my younger cousin died in a bicycle accident. This made me think a lot. Naturally also about my own mortality, what I have achived so far in my life and the things I would regret if my turn to exit would come. I live a happy life and the thing I regret the most so far is that I have never learned to play an instrument properly.

The nice thing that happened last week was that my wife brought me to a jazz concert on Friday 10th of June with Anna-Mari Kähärän Orkesteri. The musicians where so amazingly good and had so much fun on stage. I was very inspired by them all. When we left the concert I told my wife "Tomorrow I'll order myself a bass"...

And why a bass? Well, I did like to play the drums and I think it will be easier for me to learn another rythm instrument.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear about your cousin. I can understand why the different events would inspire you as such. Good luck with this. I used to play instruments in my younger years (piano and more successfully, violin) and not continuing to do so has been something I've often regretted. Perhaps you'll inspire me to start again!

  2. Thanks Janet!
    Don't wait any longer then. Go for it, and maybe in a year or so we can form a band :-)
